How To Use Reusable Nappies For Babies: A Beginner’s Guide

Bambino Mio Best Reusable Nappies - London Girl Munches

New to the world of sustainable baby products and wondering how modern cloth nappies work? Read my step-by-step guide to reusable nappies with frequently asked questions answered, and check out my review of the UK’s top nappy brands.

General FAQ:

What type of reusable nappy is best?
Features and designs aside, this does boil down to personal preference. I’m a fan of velcro fastenings; they’re easily adjustable although the sound of undoing these can wake a sleeping baby. My husband, on the other hand, prefers poppers; these tend to stay put much better which is great for wriggly little ones.

Are reusable nappies any good?
If we’re talking good for the environment, then 100%. As for preventing leaks, it depends on the type and brand. Read my tried and tested reviews here.

Are reusable nappies cheaper?
When you consider that babies go through around 10 nappies per day (even far beyond newborn stage), then this is a far more cost-effective solution than disposables. Sure, you’ll need to purchase a good amount to begin with, but after that you’re set. If you’re planning to have multiple children, then you can even keep these for the next baby.

How to use reusable baby nappies?
Just like regular nappies! If anything, I’ve found that my baby can stay in these for longer at night when compared to disposables.

What are boosters?
These are thick pads that can be placed in the nappy so that it absorbs more liquid. If you’re wondering how to use cloth nappies with inserts? We tend to use these both day and night, with an extra at night time for those longer sleeps.

How often do you change reusable nappies?
In the daytime, usually 2-4 hours. At night, we change if our baby wakes for a feed. If your baby has done a poo, then change right away.

How many times should you wash reusable nappies before use?
Most manufacturers would suggest washing them twice for best absorbency. The temperature varies from 40°C – 60°C (depending on the material) with non-biological laundry powder. We stick to 40°C and avoid using fabric softener as it can reduce the absorbency.

How many reusable nappies do I need full time?
Different people suggest different amounts, but you just need to consider how much you’re happy to have them piling up, and how often you want to do the laundry. We have around 40 nappies; enough that we can wash and dry a load every 2-3 days, while still having nappies available for our baby to use while a load is on.

How can one size fit all?
Using poppers down the front of the nappy, you can adjust the size as your baby grows from a newborn.

My top tips:

  • Dress your baby in loose clothing at night time (I found that tight clothing can compress reusable nappies and cause them to leak).
  • Many brands use poppers so that you can adjust the fit as your baby grows – make sure you check the fit regularly and adjust the size when needed. If you find the nappies are leaking often? This could be why.
  • Parents will know how difficult it is to get stains out of baby clothes, but we throw this nappy cleanser powder in with our wash for extra cleaning power.
  • Some brands faff about with essential oils and storage containers, but we stick to wet bags since these can go in the washing machine along with the nappies (a large one for daily storage, plus a backup for when that’s in the wash, then a smaller wet bag when you’re on the go).

If you have any other questions, leave a comment below!

* This article contains affiliate links that help to support my content creation, all words and views are my own.

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